Australian woman involved in fatal traffic accident

Australian woman involved in fatal traffic accident

Image: Traffic Patrol on the Gilimanuk road. Credit:

A local motorcyclist, Rizqi Akbar Putra, 19, was the victim of a tragic accident on the Denpasar-Gilimanuk road in the Penginuman Area, Gilimanuk, Jembrana, on Wednesday afternoon. The man who was riding a Honda Beat, died at the scene, after a Suzuki APV, driven by an Australian woman, Susan Leslie O’Brien, 29, collided with the motorcycle.

The accident took place at around the 122-123 kilometer mark of the road at around 12.40pm. At that time, the APV coming from Denpasar heading to Gilimanuk, tried to overtake a truck. Suddenly a motorcycle ridden by the victim appeared which the woman crashed head-on into it. The victim, who lived in Genteng Village, Wetan, Banyuwangi, fell from his bike and died at the scene.

The Australian woman was unharmed from the accident.

The Head of Jembrana Traffic Police, First Inspector I Ketut Suartawan, told that officers from Gilimanuk Polsek went to the location after they received a report of the accident. The victim was taken to Negara Regional Hospital and they secured the motorcycle, the APV and the Australian woman to be questioned.

Initial findings from the investigation, showed that the accident occurred from the woman’s careless driving while overtaking the truck.

It was reported earlier in the Sydney Morning Herald that O’Brien has become a suspect in the case and is looking at being charged with negligent driving causing death, which carries a maximum six-year jail term.

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