Bali Covid-19 Update – Monday May 11, 2020

Bali Covid-19 Update – Monday May 11, 2020

Image: Rapid tests on transport drivers arriving to DPS. Credit: @Ditlantas Bali

On Sunday (05/10) the Bali Province Co-19 Task Force announced that there were five new positive cases of Covid-19 in Bali, reaching a total number since the beginning of 311.

The new cases consisted of four Indonesian migrant workers (PMI) from Bali and one resident infected from a local transmission. The task force also stated that there were now 204 patients who had recovered after an additional seven were cleared and went home on Sunday.

According to Task Force Daily Chairman, Dewa Made Indra, positive patients in care totaled 103, who were spread around 10 hospitals around Bali and in quarantine.

“To continue breaking the Covid-19 chain of distribution, we ask all elements of the community to help and work closely with Health Service survey officers in carrying out contact tracking. It is important to find anyone who has had close contact with a corona positive person so they can be checked early,” he told


Best rate in Indonesia

Bali Governor Wayan Koster said on Saturday that 65 percent of positive Covid-19 case patients have recovered in Bali, which is the highest percentage anywhere in Indonesia. This was stated while attending the handover of basic food aid from the Covid-19 Task Force to religious and community leaders at the Kedonganan Adat Village, which took place in the Kedonganan Adat Village hall, on Saturday (9/5) afternoon.

This cure rate, he said, is the highest nationally. Nationally, the percentage of recovery is only 16 percent. “Around the world, the total percentage of recovery is 33 percent. Bali is much higher,” Koster said in

The handling of Covid-19 in Bali, according to Koster, was even brought up at a cabinet meeting with the President where it was stated that the handling of virus in Bali was the best in Indonesia. “It has been evaluated and has also been calculated at the center, Bali is expected to be the first province to be free of Covid-19,” he said.


Denpasar PKM not PSBB

Denpasar will apply what they call PKM (Restricted Community Activities), not PSBB (Large-Scale Social Limitations), from 15 May to 14 June 2020, for people in Denpasar and those who want to enter and exit the city. It will be overseen by a joint team from the police, TNI, traffic police, pecalang, Task Force Covid-19 and the Health Office.

According to Jawa Pos, there will be nine check points set up around town to monitor citizen movement and activities. What’s in store? Namely, controlling motorists and shop and restaurant staff to wear masks, controlling crowded places, shop hours, community movements without clear objectives, vehicles full of passengers, goods vehicles, online transportation control, body temperature checks carried out by sampling, and people heading home (mudik). Traffic police today were rapid testing goods transport drivers arriving from other areas into Denpasar.

All this as Denpasar recorded three consecutive days of zero new cases of Covid-19 from May 8 – 10. There have been a total of 57 positive cases in Denpasar; 46 people have recovered, two died and nine are still being treated.

Local Benefits

The Denpasar city government distributed assistance called Village Direct Cash Fund Assistance (BLT-DD) to 4,760 poor families in the district and the assistance will be given for three months.

Head of the Denpasar Village Community Empowerment Office, IB Alit Wiradana told, the BLT-DD is a fund channeled to the community through a savings book account so that there is no deduction. A single household will receive assistance of Rp600,000 every month for three months during April, May and June.

He said, the distribution of the BLT-DD will be carried out in stages. At present only 47 families in the village of Tegal Harum, West Denpasar, have received the BLT-DD, while the rest are still in the process and are still making savings books.

The criteria for receiving the BLT-DD for poor families in the villages is for families who lost their livelihoods/jobs, or are unable to sustain their family’s economy for three months and are not receiving other government benefits.


More PMI still on the way

President Jokowi said this morning in Jakarta that around 34 thousand more migrant workers will be returning to Indonesia in May and June 2020 because their work contracts will be ending.

He asked the government departments responsible to implement strict health protocols as they are now for PMI.

“We need to confirm the quarantine and referral hospitals for our migrant workers,” Jokowi was quoted in

“They will be arriving by air at Soekarno-Hatta, Jakarta and Ngurah Rai, Bali and then cruise ship crews will be arriving at Benoa Bali, Tanjung Priok, Jakarta and migrant workers from Malaysia via Batam and Tanjung Balai,” he explained.

The 34 thousand migrant workers are from East Java 8,900, Central Java 7,400, West Java 5,800, NTB 4,200, North Sumatra 2,800, Lampung 1,800 and 500 people from Bali.


Serokadan rapid test kits returned to sender

You may recall the rapid tests at Banjar Serokadan, Abuan Village, in Bangli on April 30 were suspected of being faulty after hundreds of people were diagnosed positive and then retested and found to be negative.

The tool used in Abuan Village was the VivaDiag IgG / IgM COVID-19. Lot no. 3097. The distributor of the rapid test equipment, PT Kirana Jaya Lestari said that they had already returned all the tools with these specifications and replaced them with new tools.

“We have withdrawal Lot no. 3097 from all health service facilities and replaced them with new products,” said Director of PT Kirana Jaya Lestari, Aurelia Kirana Lestari, through a written statement received by

PT Kirana Jaya Lestari has denied that the equipment they imported did not pass the standardization process. They claim to have a Medical Device Distribution Certificate (SDAK) from the Ministry of Health and have received a CDAKB (Good Medical Equipment Distribution) certificate.

The import process of the rapid test was carried out with the recommendation of BNPB.

The 2,640 residents of Abuan Village are still in quarantine in their homes for the 14 day period. 24 residents were found to be positive after having swab tests.

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