Covid-19 cases on the rise as Governor Koster tightens Bali’s borders

Covid-19 cases on the rise as Governor Koster tightens Bali’s borders

Image: Dewa Indra at the press conference yesterday. Youtube.

As the number of positive Covid-19 cases rise, Governor Koster has coordinated with the Minister of Transport and the East Java and NTB provincial governments to limit visits to Bali.

Yesterday, Monday (3/30), there were nine new positive Covid-19 cases confirmed after testing, bringing the total to 19 positive cases of Coronavirus in Bali. With this, the Bali provincial government has risen the local emergency status to a state of emergency from the state of preparedness for Covid-19 it was before.

The rise in status was stated in the Bali Governor Decree Number 270/04-G / HK / 2020.

“With this state of emergency status, the Bali provincial government, the TNI / Polri (army and police), and other elements must make stricter efforts to strengthen the Covid-19 prevention measures,” said Bali Provincial Secretary, Dewa Made Indra, who is also the Chairperson of the Bali Province Task Force Covid-19.

According to Dewa Indra at a televised press conference on Monday afternoon, the Bali provincial government under Governor Wayan Koster is taking a number of steps to minimize the potential for the spread of Covid-19 on the Island of the Gods, including the policy of limiting visits to Bali, both through airports and ports.

Related to the limitation of visits to Bali, Governor Koster has written to the Minister of Transportation, as well as coordinating with the provincial government of East Java and the provincial government of West Nusa Tenggara (NTB), to enact the regulation and tighten the flow of traffic into Bali through the Ketapang Port (Banyuwangi) and the Lembar Port (West Lombok).

Dewa Indra continued, “What is now permitted to enter Bali is only logistical goods, health goods in the handling of Covid-19, as well as some personal matters that are extremely important and urgent. Beyond that, you should not go to Bali. Starting today (yesterday) restrictions have been placed on visits to Bali.”

Regarding the issue of only people with Bali KTPs being able to enter Ketapang Harbor, Dewa Indra stressed that there was no discriminatory element in the application of this regulation. “It’s not right to use a KTP scheme. That’s not the policy,” he was quoted in NusaBali.

In addition, the governor of Bali and the local village council (MDA) of the province of Bali have also made a joint decree to establish a co-operative mutual assistance task force based in indigenous villages in Bali. Traditional institutions are involved, namely the pecalang, bearing in mind that customary villages are one of the important forces in Bali.

Regarding prevention efforts in the form of physical distancing and restrictions on leaving the house, the Bali provincial government through the Governor Circular Number 730/7835 / MP / BKD has ‘extended’ the implementation of the policy of working from home for public servants and learning from home for students at all levels of education. According to Dewa Indra, the stay at home policy has been extended until 21 April 2020 and will be evaluated according to the development of the situation at the central and regional levels.

Meanwhile, until yesterday March 30, 2020, the total cumulative Patients in Oversight (PDP) in Bali was 146 people. There were 5 PDP additions compared to March 29, 2020.

From a total of 146 PDP, 109 laboratory test samples have been released. Of these, 19 of them tested positive for contracting Covid-19. “What was announced today (yesterday) was an additional 9 positive cases of Covid-19.

“Yesterday (Sunday) the positive cases were 10,” explained Dewa Indra.

According to Dewa Indra, the 9 additional positive cases of Covid-19 included one foreigner and eight Indonesian citizens and three of those were local transmissions.

Dewa Indra reminded, the existence of three cases of local transmission is alarming and a reminder for Balinese people to be disciplined in implementing physical distancing. “The government’s call to reduce going outside the house and apply distancing is very important and if not implemented properly, the possibility of local transmission will occur again.”

Although the positive cases of Covid-19 in Bali jumped sharply, Indra said was also good news. Two of original nine people tested positive for Covid-19 have successfully recovered and are in preparation to be discharge from hospital. “Those two who recovered have already had two tests, the results are consistently negative. Now they are preparing to go home,” said Dewa Indra.

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