Bali Covid-19 Update – Wednesday May 6, 2020

Bali Covid-19 Update – Wednesday May 6, 2020

Image: Dewa Indra at the press con last night. Credit: Pemprov Bali

The number of positive Covid-19 cases grew by six to a total of 277. This was announced last night at the Bali provincial government’s regular video streamed press conference.

“The positive cases consisted of two PMI (Indonesian migrant workers) and 4 local transmissions,” said Head of the Bali Covid-19 Task Force, Dewa Made Indra.

There was an additional patient who was released cured, who was an Indonesian citizen, but not PMI. The total number of patients recovered now numbers 160 people.

While the number of patients who died remains at four and number of positive patients still in care or active cases is 113 people.

“They are spread among 10 hospitals and quarantine places managed by the Bali provincial government. The number of positive cases in Bali is still largely dominated by imported cases, while local transmission is 101 people,” added the Secretary of the Bali provincial government.

Considering that the local transmission of Covid-19 has showed a tendency to increase in the last few days, Dewa Indra called on all members of the community, traditional leaders, religious leaders, youth leaders, political figures, and all elements of society to come together to strengthen discipline. Primarily in the application of the Covid-19 prevention protocol such as always using a mask, diligently washing hands with soap in running water, keeping a distance, avoiding crowds, carrying out coughing / sneezing ethics, spraying disinfectants in the right place, and maintaining health and fitness.

New test facilities.

Bali Governor I Wayan Koster inaugurated two new Corona virus PCR (COVID-19) laboratories at University Udayana Hospital (Unud) and the University Warmadewa Medical Faculty in Denpasar.

“The Rector and the Dean of Udayana Hospital explained that with two laboratories can test approximately 300 people in one day,” Koster said to at the Unud PTN Hospital, Wednesday (05/06/2020).

Koster hopes that the presence of these two labs can speed up services, especially for those people quarantined. “With the swab test there is certainty for the patient, for the medical staff, also for the task force. And also for the public to see the handling of COVID-19 in Bali being done well,” said Koster.

Australian man found dead in hotel

Badung ambulance officers wearing PPE gear evacuated the body of Australian Christopher Steven (48) from a hotel in Kuta on Tuesday (5/5). Christopher was found dead in the Fave Hotel located on Jalan Sunset Road, Kuta, Badung. After the man didn’t check out as planned, staff broke into the room, forcing a window and discovered the man dead on the bed. As precaution, officers wore PPE gear when taking the man to Sanglah Hospital.

Denpasar Police Chief AKBP Jansen Avitus Panjaitan said the cause of death of the victim was still under investigation. “While we carried out the evacuation according to COVID-19 SOP,” he added.

Ukrainians tested negative

The results of the corona virus swab test of a Ukrainian couple who were found dead in a villa in Kedonganan came out last week (but we missed it. Ed). Both tested negative for COVID-19.

“Already, the results were negative,” said Sanglah General Hospital Director, Wayan Sudana, when contacted by last Thursday.

Sudana said, the bodies that had the identities of Tamara (53) and Andrey (54) were still in the forensic room of Sanglah Hospital, Bali. Sanglah Hospital does not yet know because this couple died.

An autopsy has not been done yet because it has not received an official request from either the family or the police.

All transportation is open again from tomorrow

Transportation Minister Budi Karya Sumadi told press in Jakarta earlier today that all modes of transportation are planned to resume operations around the country starting Thursday (05/07/2020) tomorrow, but with continued restrictions on passenger criteria.

According to Kompas, Budi was tasked with elaborating on the rule concerning the Idul Fitri Homecoming and a circular from the Coordinating Minister for the Economy. The core of the elucidation of the Minister of Transportation and the Coordinating Minister for the Economy was to provide concessions for the modes of transportation to return to operation.

This policy, said Budi, is intended to keep the national economy running. However, this policy does not mean lifting the ban on going home ban or mudik for the community.

“From tomorrow it is possible for all air transport, trains, ferries, buses to return to normal operation but they must comply with the health protocol,” Budi said in a working meeting with Commission V on Wednesday (05/06/2020).

“There is no change in the rules, as in the prohibition for Idul Fitri mudik and restrictions of people’s movements in PSBB regions, which set the exceptions for special interest criteria and the conditions set by the Task Force on Treatment Acceleration Covid-19 ,” said Adita national head of the Covid-19 Task Force on Wednesday (5/6).

We shall have to see how all that pans out tomorrow. Ed.

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