
Image: The woman being checked at the Gianyar health clinic. Credit: IG satpolppkabgianyar

Gianyar community police or Satpol detained an Australian woman, Nyleven Semken, 49, after she become uncontrollably enraged in an Ubud hotel on Friday. She was arrested after a hotel employee reported the tourist’s behavior to authorities.

The Head of Gianyar Satpol, I Made Watha, said that they first received a report from the hotel in Ubud that one of their guests appeared depressed and became uncontrollably angry with hotel employees and other guests, who then became scared with the guest’s behavior.

A team of Satpol police went to the location and subdued the woman. She was then checked by a Gianyar health care officer and it was discovered that the tourist was depressed and needed treatment.

The woman was rushed for further checks to the Bali asylum in Bangli.

It was claimed in SindoNews that the woman was found naked in the hotel’s courtyard.

“When they arrived at the location, officers found the Caucasian woman naked on a mattress in the hotel courtyard. They quickly covered the body to avoid undesirable things,” said Watha.

Officers also tried to communicate with Semken, which did not go smoothly. After questioning witnesses, the officers suspected that the Australian woman was depressed due to running out of money. They eventually persuaded the woman to get into the car, which took her to Bangli.

Until this moment the woman is still being treated at the Bangli facility. Watha admitted that recently there had been many reports about depressed tourists in the Ubud area.

“We have received many reports about depressed tourists and after we detain them we now bring them directly to Bangli,” he said to nusabali.com. “The motive on average is usually the same, running out of money,” he concluded.

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