Bali Covid-19 Update – Wednesday, May 20, 2020

Bali Covid-19 Update - Wednesday, May 20, 2020

Image: Dewa Indra on the Youtube streamed press conference. Credit: Youtube.

The total number of positive Covid-19 cases in Bali increased by 4 to 363 until last night. All of those cases are Indonesian citizens, with three being local transmissions and one a migrant worker or imported case.

“The number of accumulative cases of local transmission is now 141 people,” said Chairman of the Bali Covid-19 Task Force, Dewa Made Indra in a release on Tuesday evening (5/19).

Dewa Indra also delivered good news stating there was an increase of ten more patients cured of the virus and have already been sent home.

“All were Indonesian citizens, consisting of five migrant workers (PMI) and five locals. The accumulative number of patients who have recovered so far has now reached 267 people,” he added.

According to Dewa Indra, the cure rate in Bali is the highest in all the nation and means that the Covid-19 patient care process here in Bali has been going well. He hopes that the situation can recover soon and the community can live normally like before Covid-19, but still with the new health protocol, what they call the new normal.

“That is the life that we will live, with the community remaining productive, but still safe from Covid-19. Let us remain disciplined and do our best so that the wheels of the Balinese economy can return to normal,” he explained.

Dewa Indra said that Bali’s success in handling COVID-19 was supported by optimal screening efforts. In addition to conducting rapid tests, Bali is also supported by three laboratories for swab testing using the PCR method at Sanglah Hospital, PTN Unud Hospital and Unwar Hospital.

Data as of Monday (5/18), states that 64,620 people have undergone rapid tests throughout Bali, while swab tests using the PCR method was carried out on 6,991 people.

Rapid tests and swab tests are also still available in sufficient quantities. “This is one of the keys to the success of Bali in handling Covid-19,” he added.

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